Design and creation of station for menstrual supplies

At the initiative of the civil society Intymyta we prepared a so-called period station. Its goal is to make menstrual needs available to people who, for various reasons, cannot afford them or struggle to access them. The production and implementation of period stations is part of a project called Dignified menstruation.

Project aims to combat period poverty. Period poverty is a problem describing the financial inaccessibility of hygiene needs. Almost one in 10 people in Europe face period poverty. It does not only affect those who live on the streets, for example, but also people from low-income families, people who are materially dependent on other people or lonely elderly people.

The result station

The basic concept of a period station is to produce a structure with a significant design/form that communicates its purpose. In order to allow any interested organization to assemble the station on their own and without professional help, the material for the production is sheet steel and other materials available in regular building stores. The filling of the period station takes place from the top and the users can gradually take out the packages with the necessities at the bottom of the structure.

The cores of the first stations were made at the Technical School of Mechanical Engineering in Košice and the sheet metal covers were completed by us together with Intymyta. Most of the materials used to make the stations were donated to us in the form of leftover and waste materials, for which we are very grateful to the suppliers. A total of 15 stations are being placed - for schools, community centres and local organisations supporting people in need to reduce the impact of menstrual poverty on each person experiencing it. The lockers also support people who are forced to miss classes or work due to lack and or absence of menstrual needs. The manual taped to each Menstrual Station not only informs people that menstrual needs are there for them and without restrictions, but also illustrates the proper use and disposal of the menstrual pad.

Insight into the creative process: combining sociology and architecture

The sites selection and design process was preceded by mapping and field research.

In early 2023, we conducted 2 anonymous interviews with individuals who work with people facing period poverty on a daily basis.

Based on the analysis of interviews and field observations, we were looking for a shape that would be suitable for placement in a safe but outdoor space. Somewhere where those in need of menstrual supplies would have 24/7 access. Therefore, we were looking for a moisture protective structure with rounded edges that could withstand bouts of rain, wind or sun. We were also looking for a material that would be affordable to purchase and install in remote areas outside of the city. The final design of the period station was therefore ultimately based on the simplicity of working with sheet metal that bends while creating a recognizable shape, allowing for effective identification and visibility of the object in the public space. The approximate dimensions of the simple module are 12 x 90 cm, which is based on the standard length of sheet metal available in construction shops and also on the size of one pack of standard sanitary pads. The size and capacity of the period station naturally increases when the modules are connected to each other.

In the search for visuality, we also drew on our own introspection and chose a form reminiscent of a tampon or the play of the bends of the female body. For all the simplicity of the design, the station can take the form of an elegant object. With precision manufacturing and quality materials, it is at the same time manageable to produce it DIY. The recognizable design allows the object to be identified at different quality of production.

The design was tested by weather conditions, humidity and endurance – during five intense days at the Pohoda 2023 festival and three months in the cultural and creative centre Nová Cvernovka. During the testing phase, we collected feedback and adapted the result in light of the comments.

Team and support

The project was created in collaboration with the civic association Intymyta which initially approached us. It was realized based on our joint voluntary activities and the help of dozens of other citizens and organizations (for example dm drogerie markt, JAF Holz, SEDEM – advertising agency, Mareena, Equita, Cesta von, Stredná priemyselná škola strojnícka and others), which supported us by providing materials or installation. Part of the project was financed by the public in a collection on Donio, with the help of which you contributed more than 13 thousand euros. The testing was supported by Pohoda festival 2023 and Nová Cvernovka. We thank everyone for their support.

The design and realization of the project were carried out by members of Spolka: Architects Ing. arch. Katarína Onderková, Ing. arch. Kristina Roman and MgA. Viktória Mravčáková and sociologist Mgr. et Mgr. Zuzana Révészová, PhD.